Tag Archives: clothes


Don’t you hate it when you are wearing a very adorable outfit, but then you run into someone else wearing the same thing?


It’s even worse when that someone else is your mother.


It couldn’t have been an accidentally matching outfit. You dress both of us, mom. That makes it embarrassingly on purpose.


At least it was a cute outfit.

Welcome Home Traveler!

Today mom got me dressed up and we went to the airport to meet someone special.


Aunt L has been in faraway places telling people about God. She also got to see some of the tallest mountains in the world. Both really great things.

Mom says the last time she saw Aunt L was three and a half years ago when mom and dad got married and Aunt L was in the wedding. (That sounds like 14 lifetimes ago to me!) Mom was pretty happy to see her.

I would like to point out the awesome skinny jeans that I am wearing. I am finally big enough to wear them! Mom says to not brag about that too much, because most women have the opposite problem.

Also. Do not be too concerned about that rather large gash on my forehead. I got a little carried away last night playing my arm flapping game.

One of those peaceful moments.

After an exhuasting day of having to dress like this….


It is nice to take a hot bubble bath….


… and relax in my pajamas with my dad in front of the fire.


I appreciate that my mom is willing to work as my personal photographer. I keep her busy, especially because I demand she keeps me company during my late night “blogging sessions.”

I am grateful for her input…

I’ve got my Sunday hat on.


I went to church this morning! I enjoy being fawned over by all the loving people in our caring church. Although some people might think church is a great place to catch a nap, I prefer to stay oddly alert and awake through the whole service. I apparently enjoy a good sermon and a jolly round of Christmas carols.