Tag Archives: grandma

The tale of two trees.

We have two trees this year for Christmas. Probably because I am two this Christmas. Or maybe because we drove a very long way to cut down our own tree this year and couldn’t decide which one to take home. So, this is the tale of our two trees.

We drove a long time. I sat in the back and serenaded my family with the b-i-b-l-e song. They loved it.


We drove narrow canyon roads that wound through square tunnels.


Once we arrived at the place of many trees, we tramped through the snow looking for the perfect tree.


I took an occasional snow eating break.


Auntie Gwendie and Grampy are behind me claiming small tree number one.

Grampy and Auntie Gwendie did the massacaring, I mean tree chopping.


Auntie Gwendie and Grampie preparing to claim big tree number two.

And little bother was a lazy bum.


Stay tuned to see our trees all decked out once we got them home, miles and miles and many b-i-b-l-e’s later!!

Farm Finale.

Mom took me to a farm again. We took grandma with us this time, because she really wanted to watch me ride one of the ponies at the farm!

But first, I fed the goats.


Then I played in a big room full of corn kernels.


Then I was told it was time to ride the pony!

Let me assure you, this was no small cute pony. I was hoisted up onto a gigantic horse. I was so upset I cried the whole time. Grandma and Mom thought my crying was funny. They were laughing as hard as I was crying.


Looking back on it, I realize how great it was to ride my first horse with Grandma. It is a special memory. Now, at least. Now that my tears have dried.

The day finished with a ride on the world’s best swing,


Note the solitary tear left on my cheek from the horse ride. Also note the smiling Grandma.

That swing went so high you could practically see the whole farm! Next time we come back I will be braver on the horse… or demand a pony.


Thanks for taking me somewhere fun and exciting, mom and Grandma!

Familyventure Two.


My family knows how to adventure, and I don’t meant merely trail rides and mountain lakes. This photo memorializes a day of tram rides through the sky, picnics in the rain, hand feeding chipmunks, hiking and rock climbing. It was fantastic.











Our family gained one small fluffy chipmunk on this adventure. Little guy knows this is a family to hang out with.


Grandma likes horses. So we all took her on a trail ride.


Dad, me, bored horse, grandma.

And by “we all” I mean these people.


Auntie Gwendie, me/dad, Grampy, Grandma, mom, Uncle Anders

And by “took her” I mean Grandma showed everyone what a horse woman she is while everyone just tried to keep their horses on the trail.

….oh… but actually, I have to admit… this is what my trail ride looked like.


Mud, rocks, mountain lake, perfection.

Maybe someday I will be the horse woman Grandma is, but for now I’m still a bit too small, and mom couldn’t go because of the “Little Bother Situation”, and dad just wanted to throw rocks in the lake with me.

But, it was still a great familyventure.


Grandma likes clean windows. So, don’t put your sticky baby hands on the window. And especially don’t put your sticky baby hands on the window while she is cleaning it.



She WILL make you clean them.


I promise I won’t do it again, Grandma.

At least not while you are watching. Or have a squeegee and sponge in your hands.

The ‘Lou.

Mom, Grandma and I went to St. Louis this weekend. Mom had some oboe thing, but we made it into a big adventure.
It was a very fun weekend, to which this photo diary will attest:

We flew on a plane to get there.


I made sure mom knew about water landings before take off.

After church we visited a big sculpture park.


This is made out of old oil barrels. Nice photo bomb, grandma.


This is a big deck of grating. It isnt a good place to drop your cookie, I learned.


This is a wall of giant metal buoys from the ocean.

After mom’s oboe thing downtown we visited The Arch.



It is too big to fit in one picture.

Then we went to the zoo.


There are elephants at the zoo. I love the zoo.


Mom said this is the only ape she has ever seen not do something innapropriate.

The morning before we left, we visited the art museum. (It was full of big echo chambers, which are perfect for shrieking in. You should try it sometime, but not when mom is around, because she gets annoyed.)


This is a modern piece of art, just like me.

Also, we visited the sight of the 1904 world’s fair.


This was mom's favorite site.

Then I got in my pajamas and we flew home.


I got my own seat.

Thank you cousin Sharon for hosting us on our big adventure!


Grandma and cousin Sharon. Both very nice ladies.

So Grown Up.

In honor of my eleven month milestone yesterday, allow me to brag a little about all the things I have recently learned to do… (besides standing, of course, because I have still eluded mom the shutterbug with that trick.)


I can sit on a chair.


I can play rather forte on the piano.


I can play on the big playground structure and scare mom by going headfirst down the big tunnel slide.


I can be trusted to hold an egg without breaking it.


I can eat while holding a spoon.

Yup. I am capable of some pretty fantastic things. So, now can I have my own iPhone, dad?

A day in the life.

Now that dad has his big job down in the big city (go dad!), mom sends him pictures of me all day.

I think she takes pictures of mundane things, but they are so obsessed with me they don’t notice.

For example, here are the pictures and accompanying text mom sent to dad last Thursday…


“Got our sick kiddo a pink bouncy ball at Safeway while our tire is getting fixed. Just because.”


“Looking at used books….”


“Board books at the used book store! Score!”


“Look who we found on the street and followed to Qdoba”


“Been asleep for two hours now. So glad.”

Really. Those were the highlights of the day my mom chose to communicate. Sigh.