Monthly Archives: January 2013

That one book.

My mom tries to read me this book called “On the Night You Were Born,” (by Nancy Tillman), but she can’t make it through without getting choked up and teary. It is about how unique I am, and how special is the night I was born. The pictures are really great, which is a bonus.

If I want to make it through the book, I have to ask dad to read it to me.


(Thanks Grandma and Pa!!!)

Baby problems.

Okay people. Let’s talk about a real problem facing the babies of this world– majorly awful dry skin.
So embarrassing. Flakes at our age?
Mom slathers me in something called “baby oil.” It does wonders for the face and scalp….
My only complaint is that my hair loses its signature poof.


I hate it when my hair goes flat, but I hate flakes even more.


I may be small, but I can already manipulate my parents in big ways. They are pretty used to my loud and forceful crying, so they went crazy when I started dropping this on them:


Who knew? I flash them a little smile and they turn into dancing monkeys trying to make me repeat it. They make such fools out of themselves. Don’t they realize that I have a rule to never smile at the same thing twice?  However, this evening, I made an exception- with splendid results! I looked my mom in the eye and grinned in response to her smile. Then she smiled, and I smiled, then she smiled, and I smiled, then she… welled up and started crying. Unbelievable. She doesn’t even know how easily she is manipulated.

First Smile….

Well, my first smile captured on camera, that is.


What is the most ridiculous thing about this picture? The fact that I am smiling about a pile of laundry? Or the fact that my mom put me in a pile of laundry in the first place? Personally, I think the most ridiculous thing is that she put me in a pile of laundry and then took a picture. (A rather poor quality one, I might add.) I had to redeem the situation, so I flashed my mega-watt toothless grin, and made first-smile magic.

Plus, watching her fold all the clothes while I just sit there is pretty funny.

Growan up.

Just look at this! Here is my first bath, when I was a mere two weeks old, as compared to last night’s bath.


My first bath in the sink!


My ikea bathtub and new bath toys from christmas!

I suppose being a plump little healthy seven week old is a good thing, but mom keeps talking about how little I used to be. I have a feeling she will always say this. I mean, hello, I am still technically pretty small. I can’t even sit up on my own yet! Just wait until I drive the car, then she can really lament.