Sometimes in the afternoon when mom cannot handle any more rocking chair shenanigans,
She calls in reinforcements and redirects my energies.
Poor mom. She seems to forget about my piano shenanigans.
I recently discovered a new trick.
Standing without holding on to anything.
My favorite part of this trick is how mom shouts “ta da” every time I do it… then she scrambles for her camera and I sit down before she can get a good photo.
A big box arrived the other day. It was addressed to me, and came all the way from Nantucket, and weighed almost twice as much as I do!
Aunt and Uncle KandK had packed up a whole collection of used toys that are now delightfully new to me! They rock.
Thanks, AuntandUncle KandK! Next time throw a little Nantucket beach into the box, okay?