Tag Archives: toys

Back home.

The Little Blogger is happy to be home after her extensive travels in the Far East. Once I steal mom’s iPhone and retrieve all the evidence of my adventures I will share them with my loyal followers.

Let me just say it was a magical journey through Boston, Nantucket, Newport, Mystic and New York City.


In the meantime, I am catching up on laundry, or at least letting mom catch me up, and playing with all the toys I missed while I was gone.



Easter Eve.

In between Good Friday and Easter is a day known as Easter Eve.


Mom and Dad took me to someone’s house with a huge yard. This person must be really messy because they had plastic eggs of all sizes strewn around and they wanted all the kids to help pick them up.


I was glad my basket was so small because then I only had to get a few eggs, most of which I took from other kids.


I thought it was all kind of odd until mom told me to open one of the eggs.


Then it all became clear. The homeowner isn’t messy, they just have a giant magic plastic chicken that lays eggs filled with toys!!! I can’t wait to clean up after it next Easter Eve!!!


Happy Easter!

A big box.

A big box arrived the other day. It was addressed to me, and came all the way from Nantucket, and weighed almost twice as much as I do!


Aunt and Uncle KandK had packed up a whole collection of used toys that are now delightfully new to me! They rock.


I can use this to stand up, whatever it is!


I especially liked all the musical instruments. Mom claims she does, too, but I think I might change her mind after a while.

Thanks, AuntandUncle KandK! Next time throw a little Nantucket beach into the box, okay?