Dental Update.


Remember when I said I got four teeth in all at once bringing the grand total to eight snaggleteeth?

Well, that wasn’t entirely correct. One tooth decided to not come in after all.

But then it did come in, yesterday.

So now I have eight snaggly teeth. Officially.

Glad I could clear that up for my admiring fans. Also glad I could garner some extra sympathy over my delayed teething pain.


I was just remembering what fun I had at Christmas, and some of the special things that happened.


Grammie made me a beautiful dress.


I loved my christmas jammies.


All those boxes wrapped in paper under the tree were actually filled with toys!


And I learned a really great story about a man and a lady and a baby and a donkey and an inn and a manger.

Remembering special memories is important.

I skated!

A big milestone has occurred! I skated for real, in real skates, on real ice!



Mom and dad took turns skating me around the lake. I loved it when they made me go fast, but also when they hugged and encouraged me.



When I got tired, or they got tired of helping me, we used my new sled from Grampy and Grandma.


What a special day for our little family! Skating brought mom and dad together and now they can share it with me.
