
Carrots grow in the ground. Did you know that?

You have to dig them up.


Then you pull off the tops.


And, you don’t eat them until you’ve washed them. At least, not while mom is looking.


Those are the steps for harvesting carrots. Oh, the final and most important step is to eat them. While hopping like a bunny.

Farm Finale.

Mom took me to a farm again. We took grandma with us this time, because she really wanted to watch me ride one of the ponies at the farm!

But first, I fed the goats.


Then I played in a big room full of corn kernels.


Then I was told it was time to ride the pony!

Let me assure you, this was no small cute pony. I was hoisted up onto a gigantic horse. I was so upset I cried the whole time. Grandma and Mom thought my crying was funny. They were laughing as hard as I was crying.


Looking back on it, I realize how great it was to ride my first horse with Grandma. It is a special memory. Now, at least. Now that my tears have dried.

The day finished with a ride on the world’s best swing,


Note the solitary tear left on my cheek from the horse ride. Also note the smiling Grandma.

That swing went so high you could practically see the whole farm! Next time we come back I will be braver on the horse… or demand a pony.


Thanks for taking me somewhere fun and exciting, mom and Grandma!

Trick or Treat.

I was introduced to a new very odd holiday. You dress up in costume, go to doors and get handed candy. Then your parents take away the candy and don’t let you eat any of it.

I was dressed like this.


I'm supposed to match my ballerina elephant doll.

Mom was dressed like this.


Dad didn’t dress up. But he did let me eat this.


Overall it was pretty fun. Odd, but fun.

Farm again.

Mom took me to the farm again. It was a fun mom daughter morning, not that most mornings aren’t…. but most mornings are not spent at the farm.


First we took a ride behind a tractor out to the pumpkin patch.


Then I picked out a pumpkin. I made a pretty good choice, I think.


Then I discovered the small horse statue and didn’t want to leave. Ever.


Pumpkins and farms and tractors and sunny fall days and my mom. A day well spent.


Big girl bed.

I got a new bed. This is one perk of the impendng arrival of that little bother. So while he is trapped in my old crib, I will be enjoying the freedom of a big grown up bed.


Big girl beds are good places to read.


Big girl beds are a great placd to start the day.


Big girl beds are even a great place to take a nap.

I love my new big girl bed. I hope you enjoy my old crib, little bother.

A Farm.

Mom and dad took me to a farm. This is something that is traditionally done this time of year, or so mom says.

There are animals on the farm.


Goats are cute, but they nibble your fingers and are stinky.


Donkeys pretend you don't exist, and have long ears.


I really wanted to keep the bunny.

Farms have fields of tall corn plants, and farmers cut down the plants to make what is called a maze. I’m not sure I get it.


We started out with great enthusiasm.


Then we got a little lost.


I mean, very lost. I blame dad.


We eventually found our way back out of the corn, and mom obviously thought the whole thing was great fun. I am not convinced.

Farms are fun.