Tag Archives: ducky

Eight snaggly teeth.

Mom thought I was getting another tooth.


I was drooling and chewing and not sleeping.
Then it got worse.


Turns out I got four teeth all at once.


The ones on the bottom surprised mom.


But now that’s behind me, and my eight snaggly teeth and I can get back to happy times with ducky. Oh and mom. And dad. And Twizzle.. and..

A very big rain.

It rained a lot last week.


Rainy isn't my best look.

And I really do mean that it rained a lot.


This was a creek near a road. Then it rained.

There was so much rain that it triggered what mom and dad called a 100 year flood.

Mom says that doesn’t mean it happens every 100 years, just that there is a 1 in 100 chance that it could happen in a given year…. at least that is what she said. I don’t know what she means.

All I know is that dad wouldn’t let me play with ducky in the new giant pool at the bottom of our road.


This pool was not here before it started raining!

We are safe and dry up on our hillside, and counting our blessings. Mom and Dad said to remember that a lot of people were not so fortunate.

Maybe I could send them my ducky?
