Tag Archives: twizzle

Summer is.

Experiencing summer for the third time makes me basically an expert on this fine season,

Summer is sunshine on your face.


Summer is a full backyard.


Summer is cherry shaved ice.


Summer is mud puddles after the rain.


Summer is wildflowers.


Summer is drinking juice pool side.


But mostly summer is playing so hard you can’t even finish your steamer on the way home,


I love summer.

Mother’s Day gift.

Happy Mother’s Day to my mom! I got her a special present!…………..



Yes. Snow on Mother’s Day!

Mom wasn’t super pleased with my gift. I also don’t think she believed that I made the snow just for her.

Well… okay. I didn’t technically make the snow. Whoever did is a genius, though.

Mom, I think you are as special as a snow storm in May. Happy Mother’s Day!

Mountain Lake

Mountain Lakes are not only cold, pristine and beautiful, they are also wonderful places to bond with your family.

All that snow melts off the mountains into the lake. That is why it is so cold. And so very cool.

All that snow melts off the mountains into the lake. That is why it is so cold. And so very cool.

You can swim in the lake with your dog.

It is not fair. He has a fur bathing suit on.

It is not fair. He has a fur bathing suit on.

You can climb on a rock with your dad.

He rescued me onto his rock island.

He rescued me onto his rock island.

Or you can pose on a bridge with your mom.

Warm snuggles after a cold swim.

Warm snuggles after a cold swim.

Mountain Lakes are a great weekend excursion. Get thyself to one pronto.


Second summer.

Since this is my second summer, I am becoming quite an expert on how to enjoy this season. If you want to know how you too can make the most of your summer days, allow me to give you some suggestions.


Install a pool in your backyard.


Install a slide for that pool.


Plant some flowers. Then don’t touch them because it will make your mom mad.


Decorate the flagstone walk with chalk. But don’t eat the chalk because it doesn’t taste good.


Run through a fountain on your local walking mall.


Have a picnic dinner in the park.


And always take a moment to enjoy the summer sunset.

Now get out there and enjoy your summer. I’m certainly enjoying my second one so far!